The finca


We found the name Fontebona in the deed. It refers to the source on our property which has the same name. When we bought Fontebona in 2009 it had only just been bundled to a bigger finca. Before that it was split up in dozens of pieces of pasture and woodland which belonged to several interrelated families. You still see that fragmentation back in the different atmospheres that you feel in Fontebona. As a working title for Fontebona we used Finca Felechosa, which means something like Bracken Farm. There was an endless amount of bracken in Fontebona. There were thick layers of brown bracken wherever you looked. On some spots the bracken grew three to four metres high.

What a difference from 2009. We planted fruit trees and ornamental plants everywhere. You can see the forest through the trees again. Grass is growing between the bracken, gorse and heather. We're not there yet, but Fontebona becomes more and more of a paradise. The sheep help us clearing out the land and providing us with their manure. The cats keep up with the vermin. The chickens lay their eggs. The dog barks against the ravens and scents danger. The orchard is maturing and gives more and more fruit. The soil in the veggie garden is still improving because we keep feeding it with compost. The dilapidated barn is no longer dilapidated and now serves as a reception.

So yes. We're happy. What else is there to be desired? Well.. receiving guests! Nice. Pleasant. Interesting. New faces. New ideas. Sharing knowledge. Learning from each other. You are most welcome in Fontebona.