October Programme 2018

Enjoy the peaceful autumn in Fontebona in green Asturias, northwestern Spain. Follow Thomas and Astrid along for a week in and around our little paradise.

It's since 2007 that we enjoy our life in green Asturias. We like to share the knowledge we acquired so far about this Princedom. We know a lot about nature, culture, geology, history and much more about this beautiful unspoilt part of Spain. This week you will literally walk along with us, because almost every day has a walking route planned in. The programme is relatively empty, to keep spare time for rest and relaxation.

You don't have a picture of Asturias ? Have a look at our website www.fontebona.es or search the internet for words like Costa Verde, Picos de Europa, Ponga.

Day 1, Saturday 13th of October 2018, from 17:00h arrival, acclimatize in Fontebona
Day 2, Sunday 14th of October2018, donkey hike in surroundings of Fontebona (6km)
Day 3, Monday 15th of October 2018, mountain hike in the Sueve massif (8km, 500m mainly down hill), searching for fossils on the beach
Day 4, Tuesday 16th of October 2018, searching for mushrooms and other edible food in the surroundings of Fontebona (6km)
Day 5, Wednesday 17th of October 2018, mountain hike in the national park Picos de Europa (14km, 500m up hill and down hill)
Day 6, Thursday 18th of October 2018, nature and culture in Gijón (botanical garden, museum)
Day 7, Friday 19th of October 2018, bird spotting hike in the surroundings of Fontebona (13,2km, 650m up hill and down hill)
Day 8, Saturday 20th of October 2018, after 10:00h leaving Fontebona

Programme takes place with minimally 2 and maximally 11 persons

Price € 375.- per person for the entire programme or € 60.- per person per period of 24 hours. Meaning that you can start later and/or leave sooner!

Including daily transport, breakfast, simple evening meal, stay in Fontebona in your own brought tent, entrance fees, civil responsibility insurance

Excluding journey to and from Fontebona, lunch (which is the main meal in Spain, day menu usually is less than € 15.-), extra food and drink in Fontebona, alternative stay outside Fontebona, additional travel insurance

Arrival Saturday 13th of October 2018 from 17:00h
Departure Saturday 20th of October 2018 after 10:00h

More information about the October programme: https://fontebona.es/en/s2018okt.php
You can also download the PDF about the October programme (320kB)

Questions? Please contact Astrid and Thomas:
https://www.fontebona.es/en/contacto.php or mobile (+34)722217451